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Tutorial: Mining User Behavior Data with DocETL

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using DocETL to analyze user behavior data from UI logs. We'll create a simple pipeline that extracts key insights and supporting actions from user logs, then summarizes them by country.


First, let's install DocETL. Follow the instructions in the installation guide to set up DocETL on your system.

Setting up API Keys

DocETL uses LiteLLM under the hood, which supports various LLM providers. For this tutorial, we'll use OpenAI, as DocETL tests and existing pipelines are run with OpenAI.

Setting up your API Key

Set your OpenAI API key as an environment variable:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here

Alternatively, you can create a .env file in your project directory and add the following line:


OpenAI Dependency

DocETL has been primarily tested with OpenAI's language models and relies heavily on their structured output capabilities. While we aim to support other providers in the future, using OpenAI is currently recommended for the best experience and most reliable results.

If you choose to use a different provider, be aware that you may encounter unexpected behavior or reduced functionality, especially with operations that depend on structured outputs.

Preparing the Data

Organize your user behavior data in a JSON file as a list of objects. Each object should have the following keys: "user_id", "country", and "log". The "log" field contains the user interaction logs.

Sample Data Structure

        "user_id": "user123",
        "country": "USA",
        "log": "[2023-06-15 09:15:23] User opened app\n[2023-06-15 09:16:05] User clicked on 'Products' tab\n[2023-06-15 09:16:30] User viewed product 'Laptop X'\n[2023-06-15 09:18:45] User added 'Laptop X' to cart\n[2023-06-15 09:19:10] User proceeded to checkout\n[2023-06-15 09:25:37] User completed purchase\n42333 more tokens..."
        "user_id": "user456",
        "country": "Canada",
        "log": "[2023-06-15 14:30:12] User launched app\n[2023-06-15 14:31:03] User searched for 'wireless headphones'\n[2023-06-15 14:32:18] User applied price filter\n[2023-06-15 14:33:00] User viewed product 'Headphone Y'\n[2023-06-15 14:38:22] User exited app without purchase\n13238 more tokens..."

Save this file as user_logs.json in your project directory.

Creating the Pipeline

Now, let's create a DocETL pipeline to analyze this data. We'll use a map-reduce-like approach:

  1. Map each user log to key insights and supporting actions
  2. Unnest the insights
  3. Reduce by country to summarize insights and identify common patterns

Create a file named pipeline.yaml with the following structure:

Pipeline Structure

  1. Define the dataset

        type: file
        path: "user_logs.json"

  2. Extract insights (map operation)

    - name: extract_insights
        type: map
        prompt: |
        Analyze the following user interaction log:
        {{ input.log }}
        Extract 2-3 main insights from this log, each being 1-2 words, to help inform future product development. Consider any difficulties or pain points the user may have had. Also provide 1-2 supporting actions for each insight.
        Return the results as a list of dictionaries, each containing 'insight' and 'supporting_actions' keys.
            insights: "list[{insight: string, supporting_actions: string}]"

  3. Unnest insights (unnest operation)

    - name: unnest_insights
        type: unnest
        unnest_key: insights
        recursive: true

  4. Summarize by country (reduce operation)

    - name: summarize_by_country
        type: reduce
        reduce_key: country
        prompt: |
        Summarize the user behavior insights for the country: {{ inputs[0].country }}
        Insights and supporting actions:
        {% for item in inputs %}
        - Insight: {{ item.insight }}
            Supporting actions:
            {% for action in item.supporting_actions %}
            - {{ action }}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
        Provide a summary of common insights and notable behaviors of users from this country.
            detailed_summary: string

  5. Define the pipeline steps

        - name: analyze_user_logs
            input: user_logs
            - extract_insights
            - unnest_insights
            - summarize_by_country

  6. Specify the output

        type: file
        path: "country_summaries.json"

Full Pipeline Configuration
default_model: gpt-4o-mini

    type: file
    path: "user_logs.json"

  - name: extract_insights
    type: map
    prompt: |
      Analyze the following user interaction log:
      {{ input.log }}

      Extract 2-3 main insights from this log, each being 1-2 words, to help inform future product development. Consider any difficulties or pain points the user may have had. Also provide 1-2 supporting actions for each insight.
      Return the results as a list of dictionaries, each containing 'insight' and 'supporting_actions' keys.
        insights: "list[{insight: string, supporting_actions: string}]"

  - name: unnest_insights
    type: unnest
    unnest_key: insights
    recursive: true

  - name: summarize_by_country
    type: reduce
    reduce_key: country
    prompt: |
      Summarize the user behavior insights for the country: {{ inputs[0].country }}

      Insights and supporting actions:
      {% for item in inputs %}
      - Insight: {{ item.insight }}
        Supporting actions:
        {% for action in item.supporting_actions %}
        - {{ action }}
        {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}

      Provide a summary of common insights and notable behaviors of users from this country.
        detailed_summary: string

    - name: analyze_user_logs
      input: user_logs
        - extract_insights
        - unnest_insights
        - summarize_by_country

    type: file
    path: "country_summaries.json"

Running the Pipeline

To execute the pipeline, run the following command in your terminal:

docetl run pipeline.yaml

This will process the user logs, extract key insights and supporting actions, and generate summaries for each country, saving the results in country_summaries.json.

Further Questions

What if I want to reduce by insights or an LLM-generated field?

You can modify the reduce operation to use any field as the reduce key, including LLM-generated fields from prior operations. Simply change the reduce_key in the summarize_by_country operation to the desired field. Note that we may need to perform entity resolution on the LLM-generated fields, which DocETL can do for you in the optimization process (to be discussed later).

How do I know what pipeline configuration to write? Can't I do this all in one map operation?

While it's possible to perform complex operations in a single map step, breaking down the process into multiple steps often leads to more maintainable and flexible pipelines. To learn more about optimizing your pipeline configuration, read on to discover DocETL's optimizer, which can be invoked using DocETL build instead of docetl run.